Junior League Match Reports - 8 January 2023

Under 13’s Division 1
Route One Atoms, 40 v Simcocks Sea Eagles, 0
POTM: Amber Buchanan for Route One Atoms and Maia Keegan for Simcocks Sea Eagles
The first quarter saw Route 1 take the first centre which was converted quickly, due to accurate passing down the court and into the shooting circle. Route 1’s Laila Paradise (GD) and Aimee Doran (C) intercepted the Simcocks centre pass several times during this quarter providing them with many turnovers that shooters Iselin Keeling (GS) and Connie Keig (GA) were able to convert. However, Simcocks Sophie Boyle (GD) and Lily Boyle (GK) worked well together and made some lovely interceptions to disrupt the flow of Route 1. The score at the end of the quarter was 11 - 0 to Route 1. The second quarter saw Simcocks Maia Keggen (WA) work tirelessly in mid court with some excellent interceptions and tips. She linked well with Simcocks Daisy Quine (C) and Claudia Gaskell (WD) making some fantastic drives, but Route 1’s midcourt players Amber Buchannon (WA), Robyn Hall (C) and Marissa Quirk (WD) linked well together to feed the shooting circle of Route 1, to add to their already leading score line. The score at the end of the quarter was 23 – 0 to Route 1.
The third quarter saw the resilient Simcocks team come out and demonstrate the determination they all had! They had several opportunities to shoot during this quarter and Ella May (GA) and Annabelle Mcintosh (GS) worked together well in the circle creating space and trying to lose the defence of Route 1, but Daisy Craig (GD) for Route 1 continued to intercept the ball with the support of Rhea Maher (WD) and they were able to move the ball back down the court. The defence partnership of the Simcocks GK and GD continued to cause the Route 1 shooting duo difficulties with their excellent interceptions. The score at the end of this quarter was 32 – 0 to Route 1.
The final quarter continued to display a great passage of play from both teams, but the Route 1 drives onto the ball and spaces they were making on court allowed them to continue to add to their score line. Although the final score was 40 – 0 to Route 1 at the end of this quarter, Simcocks resilience, strength and sportsmanship were an absolute credit to them and they displayed what a fantastic team they are.
Under 13’s Division 2
Thompson Bobtails, 0 v Castletown Galaxies, 5
POTM: Quinn Forfar for Castletown Galaxies and Eva Moore for Thompson Bobtails
Thompson won the first centre pass and got the game underway. Thompson had 6 players so were a player short with that being said they made some lovely passes and the ball made its way into the goal third. Castletown made an interception and worked the ball down the court to the shooter who were able to convert the goal and they took the lead. The first quarter ended 1-0 to Castletown.
In the second quarter Thompson went down to 5 players with an injury. Castletown were able to take advantage of the 2 free players they had and were able to get the ball down the court a bit easier. Thompsons defence made it quite difficult for the two Castletown shooters making them work very hard for the ball. Castletown were able to convert 3 goals and at half time Castletown were 4-0 up.
Starting the third quarter Thompson had 6 players back on the court and this made a difference as the additional player back on court gave them more support. Both teams made some good passes and also interceptions so the ball went back and forth down the court and only one goal was scored and it was to Castletown.
In the final quarter both teams tried really hard to get the ball into the shooting circle and both teams' defence were making this very difficult for their opposition's attack. Interceptions were being made by both teams, this saw the possession of the ball constantly changing. This was a well-played game and lovely to see everyone back playing after the Christmas break.
Castletown won the game 5-0.